Home Influencers Obama tries VR and the Internet Responds InfluencersVirtual Obama tries VR and the Internet Responds By VR/AR Buzz - September 15, 2016 2234 0 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter 4. Obama as Cyclops @Kweeveen on Reddit RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Facebook Loses Lawsuit Superhot VR Review ‘To The Top’ Gets it Right LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply POPULAR CATEGORIESVirtual11Games10Videos10Influencers7Trailers6Hardware6 Must Read Surprising Facts About Pokemon GO VR/AR Buzz - September 15, 2016 0 Google’s Game Changer Sacha Rey - June 8, 2017 0 Best VR Apps of 2016 VR/AR Buzz - September 15, 2016 0 Facebook Loses Lawsuit VR/AR Buzz - June 8, 2017 0 ‘To The Top’ Gets it Right Sacha Rey - June 8, 2017 0 - Advertisement -